Balinesse simple funeral ceremony, or we called it PITRA Yadnya. It is a way of Balinesse to respect their family who passed away.
I Just want to show you, the SIMPLE BALINESSE FUNERAL CEREMONY, on these picture. Sometimes people who doesn't understand what is the main point of PITRA YADNYA, think that doing this ceremony is wasting money.
Those opinion is not wrong, because normaly it spends about Rp.25.000.000 up to Rp. 45.000.000,-. It is of course too expensive for Balinesse People who life in village that their occupation only a farmer who earns not more than Rp. 1.000.000,- in a month.
I Just want to show you, the SIMPLE BALINESSE FUNERAL CEREMONY, on these picture. Sometimes people who doesn't understand what is the main point of PITRA YADNYA, think that doing this ceremony is wasting money.
Those opinion is not wrong, because normaly it spends about Rp.25.000.000 up to Rp. 45.000.000,-. It is of course too expensive for Balinesse People who life in village that their occupation only a farmer who earns not more than Rp. 1.000.000,- in a month.

The Family is praying
But, Balinesse culture is really flexible. If the money is not enough for normal/midle of Pitra Yadnya ceremony, it can put ceremony into "Nista" or lower class of ceremony which is more simple and less in spending money.
May be it is wise to consider about economic view in running Yadnya (Sacrifice). Balinese people should realize, that the yadnya is done it should bring happiness, not the debt that suffering came.
rahajeng tahun baru bli made... ^_^