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Minggu, Maret 11, 2018

Brand Image dalam Industri Perhotelan

Definisi Brand Image
Brand Image (citra merek) adalah persepsi pelanggan terhadap citra dari sebuah merek hotel, baik atau tidak baik sebagai akibat dari upaya-upaya pemasaran yang dilakukan pengelola, pendapat dari kerabat pelanggan (word of mouth) dan pengalaman dari pelanggan itu sendiri setelah menikmati layanan di hotel tersebut.

Cara mengukur Brand Image
Citra merek dari sebuah hotel dapat diukur dengan indikator-indikator sebagai berikut :
  1. Keunggulan asosiasi merek. Sekumpulan atribut, manfaat dan evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap produk hotel yang terpercaya di benak pelanggan. Semakin unggul asosiasi merek, di benak pelanggan maka semakin tinggi pula citra merek tersebut.
  2. Kekuatan asosiasi merek. Seberapa kuat atribut, manfaat dan evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap produk hotel dalam benak pelanggan. Semakin sering pelanggan memikirkan merek hotel, maka semakin kuat asosiasi merek dalam benak pelanggan. Semakin kuat pula citra merek di dalam benak pelanggan.
  3. Keunikan asosiasi merek. Seberapa unik atribut, manfaat dan evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap produk hotel. Semakin unik asosiasi sebuah merek, maka semakin kuat citra merek dalam benak pelanggan.

Arti penting Brand Image
Citra merek memiliki peranan penting dalam membentuk kesadaran merek, kepuasan pelanggan dan loyalitas merek. Semakin baik citra merek pada benak pelanggan, maka pelanggan akan semakin sadar akan keberadaan sebuah merek dan sangat mempengaruhi keputusan untuk melakukan pemesanan kamar hotel. Kepuasan pelanggan juga sangat ditentukan oleh citra merek. Citra merek yang baik membuat pelanggan memiliki ekspekstasi dan toleransi yang tinggi terhadap kepuasan. Hal ini juga mendorong pengelola hotel untuk dapat memberikan layanan terbaik yang dapat memenuhi harapan pelanggan.

Misalnya saja seorang pelanggan sangat membanggakan sebuah hotel, karena berkesan mewah, ramah dan layanan yang tepat waktu. Citra hotel tersebut sesuai dengan konsep layanan yang ditawarkan hotel. Oleh karena itu pengelola berupaya memberikan layanan yang terbaik agar dapat memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan tamu tersebut. Pelanggan sendiri memiliki toleransi yang tinggi terhadap kekurangan layanan yang diberikan, karena secara psikologis sudah sangat bangga dapat menginap di hotel tersebut.

Citra merek sebuah hotel merupakan fokus perhatian dari pengelola hotel, karena  berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pemesanan kamar. 

Brand Image in the Hospitality Industry

Definition of Brand Image
Brand Image is the customer's perception of the image of a hotel brand, good or bad as a result of the marketing efforts of the manager, the opinions of the customer's relatives (word of mouth) and the experience of the customer itself after enjoying the service at the hotel.

How to measure Brand Image
The brand image of a hotel can be measured by the following indicators:

  1. Excellence of brand association. A set of attributes, benefits and a thorough evaluation of the hotel's trusted products in the minds of customers. The more superior the brand association, in the minds of customers the higher the brand image.
  2. Strength of brand association. How strong are the attributes, benefits and overall evaluation of hotel products in the minds of customers. The more often customers think of the hotel brand, the stronger the brand association in the minds of customers. The stronger the brand image in the customer's mind.
  3. The uniqueness of the brand association. How unique are the attributes, benefits and overall evaluation of hotel products. The more uniquely the association of a brand, the stronger the brand image in the customer's mind.

The significance of Brand Image
Brand image has an important role in shaping brand awareness, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The better the brand image on the customer's mind, the customer will be more aware of the existence of a brand and greatly affect the decision to make hotel reservations. Customer satisfaction is also determined by the brand image. A good brand image makes customers have high expectations and tolerance for satisfaction. It also encourages hotel managers to provide the best service that can meet customer expectations.

For example, a customer is very proud of a hotel, because the impression of luxury, friendly and timely service. The image of the hotel in accordance with the concept of services offered by the hotel. Therefore, managers strive to provide the best service in order to satisfy the needs and desires of the guests. Customers themselves have a high tolerance of the lack of services provided, because it is psychologically very proud to be able to stay at the hotel.

A brand image of a hotel is the focus of attention of the hotel manager, because it affects the decision of reserving a room.

Airport Plan in North Bali Area

Is it yes or no ?

The current hot issue is about the cancellation of airport development at Kubu Tambahan Buleleng Bali. It is not clear whether the cancellation was done. I wonder what happened to the above government policy, huh? But I believe, all government policies must have been considered carefully for the benefit of society in the long term. Moreover, the current government track record is firm, full of calculations and oriented towards Indonesian Glory .

Over Capacity in The South of Bali

It can not be denied, this small island of Bali already feels quite congested with the growth of tourism, especially in the area of ​​South Bali (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Coastal area of Tabanan). Congestion along Ngurah Rai Airport, which connects to the border of Gianyar, Tabanan, and Denpasar makes it uncomfortable. Air pollution, due to the abundance of motor vehicles along the way, makes motorcyclists wear masks. A hedonistic lifestyle that is close to prostitution, and illegal drugs are increasingly prevalent. Land prices are soaring so high that the Balinese are tempted to sell their ancestral land to meet the various needs of life. An unpleasant situation.

North-South Inequality

Inequality of development is felt, the southern region so rapidly, while the northern regions left behind. Quite a few pockets of poverty in the north. Call it the area of ​​Kintamani (Songan, Kedisan, and Trunyan), Karang Asem (Munti, Tembok), Tabanan, Negara, Bangli. It is ironic, in sparkling tourism Bali is still a lot of poor people. Many young workers do not want to be farmers. They tend to go to southern Bali to work in the tourism sector. A threat to the future of Bali.

Just One Airport, Imitate Transportation Management in Singapore

It seems that it is not easy to overcome various problems arising in the south of Bali due to tourism. For example, congestion in the area of ​​Kuta, Nusa Dua and Denpasar. Especially the ones in Ngurah Rai Airport area. The government has been trying to build a toll road on water, under pass at Simpang Siur, widening roads, rearranging traffic flows, to enforcing e-money. But it seems that the jam problem can not be solved. The number of vehicles far exceeds the number of streets. If building a flyover, it is impossible.

The plan to build an International Airport in the Northern Territory of Bali (Buleleng), actually makes sense to break up the centrality and saturation of development in the Southern Region of Bali. It may be said at this time the cause of all these problems, because the location of the airport is in the south of Bali. Everyone wants to build near the airport. As a result all economic activity is there. Many tourists complain about this traffic jam, it is not impossible they are reluctant to come to Bali again if this problem is not overcome.

There may also be concerns from the current tourism business, if the airport is built in Buleleng will have a negative impact for his business. Logically, some tourists will move to stay in northern Bali. It seems that this is the dominant cause of the cancellation of airport development in the north of Bali Island.

Does the airport still need to be built again in north Bali?


Improving transportation system in south Bali area?

For example imitating the transportation system in Singapore. Because Singapore seems to be able to overcome the problems associated with congestion and transportation. In fact, they have one airport only, with the number of tourists and residents far more than the island of Bali. While the land area is smaller than the island of Bali.


Make a highway from Ngurah Rai Airport to North Bali (Buleleng); East Bali (Karang Asem) and West Bali (Negara).


Making Bali an expensive and quality destination?

Actually Bali has potential for this. But the application of the concept of quality tourism, not easy. No studies have focused on this.


People need to know, what exactly is the scientific study of this problem. Any decision taken, if based on scientific studies, feasibility studies, and known by the public (transparent), will certainly have a good impact in the future.

Surely this will be a good learning for the government and society in building Bali.

Bandar Udara International di Buleleng Bali

Jadi atau Tidak ?
Isu yang hangat saat ini adalah mengenai pembatalan pembangunan bandar udara di Kubu Tambahan Buleleng Bali. Tidak jelas apakah pembatalan tersebut jadi dilakukan. Entah apa yang terjadi pada kebijakan pemerintah di atas sana ya? Tapi saya meyakini, segala kebijakan pemerintah tentu sudah dipertimbangkan masak-masak demi kepentingan masyarakat dalam jangka panjang. Terlebih lagi track record pemerintah saat ini memang tegas, penuh perhitungan dan berorientasi menuju Indonesia emas.

Over Capacity di Kawasan Selatan Bali
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, Pulau Bali yang kecil ini sudah terasa cukup sesak dengan bertumbuhnya kepariwisataan, khususnya pada kawasan Bali Selatan (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar dan Pesisir Tabanan). Kemacetan di sepanjang lingkar Bandara Ngurah Rai, yang sambung menyambung sampai perbatasan Gianyar, Tabanan, dan Denpasar membuat tidak nyaman. Polusi udara, akibat berlimpahnya kendaraan bermotor di sepanjang jalan, membuat pengendara sepeda motor memakai masker. Gaya hidup hedonis yang dekat dengan prostitusi, dan obat terlarang semakin marak. Harga tanah yang semakin melambung tinggi membuat orang Bali tergiur menjual tanah leluhur untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan hidup. Suatu keadaan yang tidak menyenangkan.

Ketimpangan Utara - Selatan
Ketimpangan pembangunan sangat terasa, kawasan selatan begitu pesat, sementara kawasan utara tertinggal. Cukup banyak kantong-kantong kemiskinan di kawasan utara. Sebut saja daerah Kintamani (Songan, Kedisan, dan Trunyan), Karang Asem (Munti, Tembok), Tabanan, Negara, Bangli. Sungguh ironis, dalam gemerlap pariwisata Bali masih banyak orang miskin. Banyak tenaga kerja muda yang tidak mau menjadi petani. Mereka cenderung pergi ke kawasan selatan Bali untuk bekerja pada sektor pariwisata. Suatu ancaman bagi masa depan Bali.

Cukup Satu Bandara,  Meniru Pengelolaan Transportasi di Singapura
Tampaknya memang tidak mudah untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah yang timbul di kawasan selatan Bali akibat pariwisata. Contohnya, kemacetan di wilayah Kuta, Nusa Dua dan Denpasar. Terutama yang di daerah Bandara Ngurah Rai. Pemerintah sudah berupaya membuat jalan tol di atas air, under pass di Simpang Siur, pelebaran jalan, menata ulang arus lalu lintas, sampai pemberlakuan e-money. Tapi tampaknya masalah macet tidak dapat dipecahkan. Jumlah kendaraan jauh melebihi jumlah ruas jalan. Kalau membangun jalan layang, tidak mungkin. 

Rencana pembangunan Bandara Internasional di Kawasan Utara Bali (Buleleng), sebenarnya masuk akal untuk memecah terpusatnya dan jenuhnya pembangunan di Kawasan Selatan Bali. Boleh dikatakan saat ini penyebab semua masalah tersebut, karena lokasi bandara ada di selatan Bali. Semua orang ingin membangun dekat bandara. Akibatnya semua aktifitas ekonomi berada di sana. Banyak wisatawan mengeluh mengenai kemacetan lalu lintas ini, bukan tidak mungkin mereka enggan datang ke Bali lagi apabila permasalahan ini tidak di atasi.

Mungkin juga muncul kekhawatiran dari pelaku bisnis pariwisata saat ini, apabila jadi bandar udara di bangun di Buleleng akan berdampak negatif bagi usahanya. Logikanya, sebagian wisatawan akan berpindah menginap ke Bali utara. Tampaknya hal ini yang dominan menjadi penyebab pembatalan pembangunan bandar udara di utara Pulau Bali.

Apakah bandar udara masih perlu dibangun lagi di Bali utara?
Memperbaiki sistem transportasi di kawasan Bali selatan?
Misalnya meniru sistem transportasi di Singapura. Sebab Singapura tampaknya mampu mengatasi permasalahan terkait dengan kemacetan dan transportasi. Padahal, mereka memiliki satu bandar udara saja, dengan jumlah wisatawan dan penduduk jauh lebih banyak dari Pulau Bali. Sementara luas daratan lebih kecil dari Pulau Bali.
Membuat jalur bebas hambatan dari Bandara Ngurah Rai menuju Bali Utara (Buleleng); Bali Timur (Karang Asem) dan Bali Barat (Negara). 


Menjadikan Bali sebagai destinasi yang mahal dan berkualitas (quality tourism)?
Sebenarnya Bali punya potensi untuk ini. Tapi penerapan konsep quality tourism, tidak mudah. Belum ada studi yang fokus ke hal ini.

Mayarakat perlu tahu, bagaimana sebenarnya kajian ilmiah terhadap permasalahan ini. Keputusan apapun yang diambil, jika didasari dengan kajian ilmiah, studi kelayakan, dan diketahui oleh masyarakat luas (transparan), tentunya akan berdampak baik di masa depan.

Tentunya hal ini akan menjadi suatu pembelajaran yang baik bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam membangun Bali.

Brand Awareness in the Hospitality Industry

Tourism and Hospitality industry today

The growth of tourism in all parts of the world is growing rapidly. Increased tourism can not be separated from the human workload of productive age is higher. Especially in developed countries stress levels are increasing. Entertainment is the answer to reduce fatigue in working. There are many things that can be done to relieve fatigue work, ranging from sleep, massage, culinary tours, streets and even out of the area. The condition mentioned above is a market demand, as well as an opportunity for the growth of tourism.

No wonder the development of tourist attraction is a lucrative investment land. The attractions of nature, and man-made continue to be developed to answer the needs and desires of tourists. Formerly, the attraction of tourism for example in Bali is only based on nature and culture (Kintamani, Bedugul, Tanah Lot, Balinese Dance). Nowadays, there have been developing man-made tourism attraction, such as Three Dimensional Museum of Bajra Sandhi Denpasar, Water Boom Kuta, Citraland Denpasar Water Park, Bali Bird Park Gianyar, Tabanan Butterfly Garden. Needs accommodation facilities. The growing variety of tourist attraction is a tourist attraction factor to come visit this beloved island of Bali.

The increasing number of tourists coming to Bali Island also increases the need for accommodation facilities. Various forms of accommodation facilities grow in Bali, ranging from inns, jasmine hotels, villas, to star hotels. Bali is a very fertile land for accommodation investment, not off because Bali is safe, peaceful and very friendly.

Unfortunately, investment growth is only centered on South Bali (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Pesisir Tabanan). Ngurah Rai International Airport is one of the considerations of investors, and the Government is still oriented to the concept of mass tourism. No one to blame. Development has two sides: good and bad. Everyone wants to build and enjoy tourism. As a result of these tremendous investments, hotels have difficulty in reaching room occupancy rates to meet their operational costs. Apparently the number of tourists who come is not comparable with the number of hotel room growth is getting higher.

Therefore, in this very tight competition situation, the hotel manager must strive to survive and at the same time win the competition. Efforts that can be done, among others, by increasing brand awareness (Brand Awareness) of tourists against the hotel brand. Brand awareness is the first stage of the customer to make a decision to book a hotel room.

Brand Awareness Concept
Brand awareness is the ability of travelers to remember and recognize a hotel brand when receiving stimuli from all marketing activities and when it comes to accommodation facilities where travelers are on vacation. For example: when a tourist wants a vacation to Bali, requires a means of accommodation, then in the minds of customers will emerge the brands of hotels he knows. The stronger the brand image of the hotel, the marketing efforts (advertising, publicity, sales promotion, personal sales), and past experience, the stronger the brand awareness of the customer.

Brand awareness is important and should be sought by the hotel manager through the resources within the hotel (controlable resources). Stay decisions will not appear without customer awareness of the brand. On the basis that the hotel manager should not stop to continuously perform communication activities with customers and in various ways. Not enough just with communication, but managers must continuously improve brand image, service quality and customer satisfaction. Especially to customers who are staying, should be given services according to standards that have been set, so that no complain. If the customer complains, it should be followed up immediately.
Brand awareness can be measured by:

  1. Assess customer's knowledge of the hotel brand.
  2. Assess the customer's ability to be able to recognize the hotel brand among various alternatives of competing hotel brands.
  3. Assess the customer's ability to remember brands with their unique characteristics and uniqueness.
  4. Assess the speed of the customer in calling information about the hotel brand on the customer's memory.

Instruments that can be used is a list of interviews and questionnaires with Likert scale. Interview techniques are conducted to better understand customer awareness of the brand. The results of the interview will support the findings of the results of the questionnaire aimed at generalizing brand awareness.

The Importance of Brand Awareness
It is not easy to realize brand awareness for tourists. Moreover, tourists who have high brand awareness is not necessarily make a room reservation. Why not easy? This is related to the characteristics of services, namely: (i) intangible-intangible; not easy to realize the concept of hotel services. For example a hotel has the concept: "hospitality in the uniqueness". This concept requires all employees to be friendly and uniqueness is in the product offered. It is not easy to make employees friendly, let alone inadequate financial motivation, plus the character of each employee is different. It is not easy to realize the uniqueness, because there must be something of value and different in every product offered; (ii) inseparable-between production and consumption occurs simultaneously, (iii) perishable-easily damaged, and (iv) varies widely.

However, customer brand awareness remains a concern, as customer purchasing decisions are always initiated by brand awareness. How could a customer decide to stay overnight without being aware of a hotel brand in their mind ?

The condition of competition between the accommodation business requires the hotel manager to be more creative in order to go concern. Customer brand awareness is a very important thing to be managed by hotel managers. In this case, communication, service quality improvement, brand image and customer satisfaction are key to the realization of high brand awareness from customers. Without brand awareness, it is impossible for travelers to decide to book a room at the hotel.