Halaman Utama

Jumat, September 28, 2012

If You Wanna be A Sailor Man (Popeye)


Life onboard a ship is unique. In the beginning, you will perhaps feel a little lost, but at the same time feel excited Try to keep a positive attitude towards all the new impressions and you will soon enjoy every minute onboard. Always remember that the rest of the crew welcomes you onboard. In most cases, you will arrive on an embarkation day (when passengers leave and passengers arrive). Embarkation day is a busy time for everyone onboard, and crewmembers may seem less patient. Do not despair, as you will soon be included as a member of this busy team.

Your Cabin
Because of the limited space on the ship, most crewmembers share cabins. Since your cabin is going to be your new home while onboard, take care of it as if it was your own home, clean and tidy at all times. It is not recommended to keep money and valuables in your cabin. Always remember to lock your cabin. Safety envelopes for crew are available on certain ships in the crew pursers' office. Valuables may be kept there free of charge. Safety envelopes are available during regular office hours.
The ship provides bed linen and towels. All furniture and equipment must be treated with care. Also, it is your duty to keep your cabin clean and tidy at all times. Some crew have an assigned cabin steward to clean their cabin. If you have, it is customary to tip them for good service.
It is not permitted to take passenger equipment such as towels, tableware, glasses etc. to the crew quarters. Similarly; it is not permitted to take food from the mess rooms, pantries, galley or dining room to the cabin. The US authorities may fine the ship for finding any fruit, nuts and similar items in your cabin.
It is not permitted to take passenger to your cabin. Any crewmember found bringing a passenger into his or her cabin will be dismissed.
The modification of fixture equipment, furnishing and electrical installation, is strictly prohibited. Nails, screws or adhesive must not be used to hang picture, posters, etc. Always keep in mind that other people will be using the cabin later.
We must remind you that smoking in bed and the use of open flame (candles) is strictly prohibited.
Crew Mess
All meals are served in the crew mess. Some ships have more than two messes. Once onboard, you will be informed as to which messes you have access to follow the rules of the mess and always help to keep them clean. From time to time, the meal hours may be changed to fit the sailing plan, but you will be notified of this
in advance.

The ship's hospital is headed by experienced doctors and qualified nurses. In case of illness, unless there is an emergency, the hospital should be contacted during office hours. If you have to visit the doctor, you must notify your superior and it will be arranged. Absence from work because of illness is only accepted if confirmed by a report from the ship's doctor. You must always advise your superior of any restriction or limitation the doctor placed on your ability to work. Failure to do so is a violation of the ship's rules.

Crew Gym
The crew gym is available to all crewmerribers and can be used at posted hours. It is recommended to keep the gym clean and no food or beverage consumed there.

Crew Dayrooms
These dayroorns are used for meeting fellow crewmembers. You are required to keep these dayrooms tidy and neat.

Crew Shop
The ship's crew shop is managed by the crew welfare. In the crew shop, you can buy toiletries, mineral water, cigarettes, chocolate, and other necessities. The crew shop is open at specified hours when the ship is at sea. All sales are in cash.

Crew Bar
The ship's crew bar is run by the crew welfare. Operating hours has to be respected. All sales are strictly cash. You are not permitted to become inebriated or intoxicated while onboard ship. You are not allowed to drink while on duty. Violation of either of this rule in ground for dismissal.
Crew uniforms and work clothes will be cleaned free of charge except for crew working in department under concession. Please follow the instruction for delivery and return of laundry. Do not hand in all your uniform at once for cleaning as this might cause delay since the laundry has a limited capacity. There are laundry machines and dryers free of charge in crew areas.

Crew Welfare Corninittee
Normally, a Cruise Line takes great pride in the Crew Welfare onboard the ship. The crew of each ship elects a Welfare Committee to take care of various arrangements such as sporting events, social events, and management of Crew Bar. All profits are re-invested in the welfare of the crew according to the Welfare Committee's decisions. Welfare activities depend entirely upon the interest and co¬operation of each crewmember. Each department elects one representative to attend all Welfare meetings. With the whole-hearted participation of everyone onboard, almost any need and interest can be covered through the Welfare Committee. If you have any ideas or suggestionSj contact the Crew Welfare Committee.

Notice Boards
On the notice boards, you will find FIRE & LIFEBOAT DRILL information and practical information about customs lists, advance payment, and crew welfare arrangement. Make it a habit of looking at the notice board every day.

Mail to the crew is distributed through each department of the ship. Your supervisor will advise you how mail is distributed in your department Mail addressed to you should be addressed as follows:
Department where you work
Name of ship
Address as advised by crew purser

Telephone and Fax Services
Private calls, telegrams and fax messages are directed through the ship's Radio Station. Private calls and faxed messages for crewmembers will be accepted whenever traffic allows and at the opening hours specified by the Radio Station, Misuse of telephone arid fax service is grounds for discipline and in serious cases affecting dismissal.
Wages are paid monthly in US. dollar currency. Cash advance are given once a month, for no more than half of your salary. Information about payment of wages is available at the purser office.

In special cases, if allowed by authorities, permission may be granted to visitors onboard. An application should be submitted trough the head of your department Visitors are allowed the same access to public areas as that of crewmember. At no time should the visitors take up space that would normally be used by passengers. The crewmember is responsible for the conduct of his / her visitor (s). From time to time, usually the Cruise Line offers a special rate for friends and family. This offer has certain restriction. Please consult your supervisor for more information.

Going Ashore
Take care to follow the instruction given when going ashore. Do not forget to bring your crew pass and 1-95 document. Bring with you a note with the location of the ship and the telephone/address of the ship's agent.
Uniform must not be worn during shore leave. Do not block the gangway area, and always let the passengers go ashore first. Passengers have priority at all times!
You should report back onboard at the advised time.
To be left behind is a serious matter that may involve dismissal and considerable expenses. Should you be left behind, notify the ship's agent immediately

Struktur Organisasi Kapal Pesiar

Main responsibilities
Captain     :    The Master of the ship. This person is the highest authority on board.
Satff Captain     :    Reports to the Captain and is second in command ;
Chief Engineer    :    In charge of all technical aspects of the ship, including engines, electrical and air conditioning, plumbing and general maintenance. Reports to the Captain.
Hotel Director     :     In charge of all the hotel services provided on board Reports to the Captain.




Terima Kasih


Berikut ini kami sampaikan istilah-istilah yang berkaitan dengan fisik kapal pesiar yang terkait dengan pelayanan kepada passenger/penumpang

Some terms used on board
  1. Aft          :     The back of the ship.
  2. Beam      :     The width of a ship at its widest part.
  3. Birth        :     A bed in a ship's cabin; also a space at a wharf for a ship to dock or anchor.
  4. Bridge     :     The place from where the officers navigate the ship.
  5. Bow        :     Front or forward portion of the ship
  6. Companionway    :     Interior stairway
  7. Control room    :     Room from where the engines and other equipment are controlled
  8. Crew    :     Bar for the crew.
  9. Crew mess    :     The cafeteria where the crews eat.
  10. Crew shop     :     Shop for the crew, where you may purchase toiletries, mineral water, tobacco and other necessities.
  11. Crew station bill    :     A chart explaining the responsibilities you have in case of an emergency.
  12. Day room     :     Meeting rooms for crew.
  13. Debarkation     :     When passengers exit the ship at end of cruise.
  14. Deck     :     A ship has several floors like a building, they are referred to as decks.
  15. Dock     :     Pier; Wharf where all the ships alongside.
  16. Embarkation    :     When passengers enter the ship at the beginning of a cruise 
  17. Emergency Station     :     The place where you have been assigned to in case of emergency.
  18. Forward     :    The front of the ship.
  19. Galley     :     The kitchen
  20. Gangway     :     The opening through the ship's bulwarks and the ramp by which passengers embark and disembark.
  21. Gross Tonnage     :     The cubical capacity of a vessel divided by 100  cu ft. However, some spaces are excluded by the so – called Moorsom rules.
  22. Leeward     :     With the wind.
  23. Lifeboat/raft station     :     The life boat you have been assigned to in case of an evacuation.
  24. Luggage gandling     :     Luggage has to be on - loaded by certain crewmembers to facilitate the debarkation/ embarkation process.
  25. Amidships    :     The middle of the ship.
  26. Portside     :     Left hand side of the ship when facing forward.
  27. Porthole     :     Circular “windows” in the side of the ships hull or superstructure.
  28. Radio Station     : The communication center of the ship.
  29. Stair tower     :     Stairs connecting the decks.
  30. Starboard     :     Bight-hand side of the ship when facing forward.
  31. Stem     :     The extreme bow or prow of the ship.
  32. Stem     :     The extreme rear of the ship, or toward the rear.
  33. Tender     :     Smaller boat used to transport passengers and crew when the ship is anchored.
  34. Win ward     :     Against the wind.
  35. TBA     :     To Be Assigned
  36. M/V    :     Motor Vessel
  37. M/T    :     Motor Tanker
  38. M/S    :     Motor Ship/ Steam Motor
  39. S/S    :     Steam Ship
  40. TSS    :     Turbine Steam Ship

Ekowisata di Bali

Bali adalah pulau kecil yang memiliki daya tampung yang terbatas. Entah mengapa sampai detik ini masih saja terdengar pembangunan hotel-hotel berbintang lima, pembangunan villa villa, pembangunan lapangan golf, yang pada intinya 'memperkosa' lahan-lahan kosong yang ada di Pulau Bali. Walaupun pembangunan kamar-kamar hotel dan fasilitas-fasilitas pariwisata dipandang memberikan dampak ekonomi yang menguntungkan bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat, hendaknya perlu lebih lanjut memikirkan lebih jauh dan lebih holistik.
Apabila pemerintah terus menerus memberikan ijin pembangunan hotel-hotel di wilayah Pulau Bali (khususnya Bali Selatan), maka akan terus menerus pula permasalahan sosial, lingkungan, budaya tidak pernah teratasi. Ironis memang, di satu sisi pemerintah mendukung pengembangan kepariwisataan berdasarkan konsep "sustainable tourism development", di sisi lain pola konsep "mass tourism" masih dipertahankan.
Satu jawaban yang sungguh melegakan hati adalah dengan adanya konsep "Ecotourism" yang sudah mulai dikembangkan di beberapa desa di Bali. Sebagai contoh : Tenganan Pegringsingan-Karangasem, Banjar Adat Kiadan-Badung, Dukuh-Sibetan-Karangasem, dan Nusa Ceningan-Klungkung. Keempatnya masuk Jaringan Ekowisata Desa (JED).(situs desa ekowisata di Bali). 
Konsep Ekowisata (ecotourism) yang berlandaskan konsep keberlanjutan, pelestarian alam dan lingkungan, keterlibatan masyarakat, aspek pemasaran dengan tanggung jawab sosial, diharapkan kedepannya mampu memberikan pemecahan atas permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi Pulau Bali saat ini akibat Pariwisata. 
Prinsip-prinsip ekowisata sebagai berikut  (The International Ecotourism Standard, dalam Arida (2009)) :
  1. Memiliki kepedulian, komitmen dan tanggung jawab terhadap konservasi alam dan warisan budaya, dengan indikator sebagai berikut : (i)tercapai keseimbangan pemanfaatan lahan, (ii)penggunaan teknologi ramah lingkungan (iii) pemanfaatan areal warisan budaya sebagai objek ekowisata dissesuaikan dengan daya dukung, (iv)melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati dan cagar budaya, dan (v) memperhatikan keberadaan endemis.
  2. Menyediakan interpretasi yang memberikan peluang kepada wisatawan untuk menikmati alam dan meningkatkan kecintaannya terhadap alam. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara : (i)menyediakan pramuwisata profesional dan berlisensi, (ii) menyediakan fasilitas pendukung dan informasi yang memadai terkait dengan objek ekowisata, (iii) melibatkan lembaga adat setempat.
  3. Memberikan kontribusi secara kontinyu terhadap masyarakat setempat serta memberdayakan masyarakat setempat, dengan cara : (i) memprioritaskan pemanfaatan tenaga kerja lokal sesuai dengan keahlian, (ii) memprioritaskan pemanfaatan produk lokal untuk operasional objek ekowisata dan (iii) melibatkan lembaga adat setempat.
  4. Peka dan menghormati nilai-nilai sosial budaya  dan tradisi keagamaan masyarakat setempat, dengan indikator sebagai berikut : (i) pembangunan dan operasional disesuaikan dengan tata krama, norma setempat dan kearifan lokal, (ii) keberadaan dan kegiatan objek wisata tidak mengganggu aktivitas keagamaan masyarakat setempat
  5. Mentaati peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, seperti : (i)mentaati undang-undang dan perangkat peraturan lainnya yang terkait, (ii) mentaati awig-awig (peraturan) desa setempat.
  6. Pengembangannya harus didasarkan atas musyawarah dan dengan persetujuan masyarakat setempat, dengan indikator : (i) pembangunan perlu mendapat persetujuan masyarakat dan lembaga adat setempat, (ii) menjalin komunikasi dan koordinasi dengan masyarakat dan lembaga adat setempat dalam pengembangan objek.
  7. Secara konsisten memberikan kepuasan kepada konsumen, dengan indikator (i)menyediakan fasilitas dan memberikan pelayanan prima dan memuaskan kepada konsumen, (ii) menyediakan media untuk memperoleh umpan balik dari konsumen.
  8. Dipasarkan dan dipromosikan dengan jujur dan akurat sehingga sesuai dengan harapan dan kenyataan, dengan indikator : (i)materi pemasaran harus akurat, jelas dan berkualitas dan (ii) materi pemasaran yang jujur dan harus sesuai dengan kenyataan.
  9. Sistem pengelolaan yang serasi dan seimbang sesuai dengan konsep Tri Hita Karana, dengan kriteria : (i) memperhatikan keselarasan hubungan antara manusia dengan  Tuhan (Parahyangan), (ii) memperhatikan keselarasan hubungan antara manusia dengan manusia (Pawongan), dan (iii) memperhatikan keselarasan hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungan (palemahan)
Kedepannya dengan prinsip-prinsip pengembangan ekowisata, maka dapat mewujudkan tujuan dari pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Sayang sekali, sesungguhnya hampir semua desa di Bali memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkannya ekowisata, namun hanya beberapa saja yang tergarap. Kondisi ini menuntut pemerintah segera turun tangan untuk  mengucurkan dana segar bagi pembentukan desa-desa wisata dengan konsep ekowisata. Dana yang dikucurkan tentunya diperuntukkan untuk : (i) melatih tenaga akademisi dan praktisi untuk mampu menerapkan pengembangan ekowisata desa dalam satu konsep, visi dan misi, (ii)mengidentifikasi potensi desa-desa di Bali untuk dapat dikembangkan dalam ekowisata desa dan (iii) membangun sarana, prasarana dalam pembentukan dan pengembangan ekowisata desa.

Apabila konsep ekowisata dapat dikembangkan dengan baik di seluruh Pulau Bali, maka penulis meyakini, anak-anak muda tidak akan tertarik untuk pergi ke Kuta, Denpasar atau wilayah Bali Selatan untuk mencari pekerjaan. Mereka akan tinggal di desanya masing-masing untuk mengembangkan ekowisata. Tapi, bilakah itu semua terwujud?